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Category Archive: Madoff

  1. 9 Predictions for 2009

    Set forth below are my pre­dic­tions for 2009. Let’s hope that at least some of them come true. Early in 2009, the banks start lend­ing again In Jan­u­ary, the banks will real­ize that they can­not avoid lend­ing for­ever. The Fed­eral Reserve will finan­cially pun­ish any bank that refuses to lend by manip­u­lat­ing inter­est rates so that banks […] [read full story]

    Posted in: 2009 Predictions, BANKS, Credit Crisis, Deflation, Economic Statistics, Finance, Fiscal Policy, Inflation, Madoff, monetary policy, Obama, Politics, Public Policy, Regulatory Reform
  2. Money Supply And Economic Data Weekly Watch – Living in the Twilight Zone

    We’ve entered the twi­light zone. This week’s money sup­ply and eco­nomic data is sur­real. Money sup­ply is grow­ing at an unbe­liev­able pace. As mea­sured by sea­son­ally adjusted M1 and M2, the Fed announced that money sup­ply set new all time records. The quick rate of growth for money sup­ply is actu­ally accel­er­at­ing. Over the last […] [read full story]

    Posted in: Cox, Deflation, Depression, Economic Statistics, economy, Federal Funds Rate, Federal Reserve, Finance, Hoover, Inflation, M1, M2, Madoff, monetary policy, Money Supply, Public Policy, SEC